Cookies for a Cure Dear Family and Friends,I havea few pictures from the cookie & lemonade stand.
Thank you so much for your generous support of Sophia’s fundraiser to benefit The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. To date, more than $3000 has been donated.Thanks to all of you that helped set up, made banners, baked cupcakes and spread the word about the event. Special thank yous to our corporate sponsors: Ryebuilt Construction and Doors, Etc., and to Robin for once again donating a beautiful handmade necklace that was won by Amy Bradshaw.
lemonade We also appreciate the help of Don Palmer of the City of La Mesa and the Helix Water District for coordinating the street closure, which really added to the success of the cookie sale.
Cure Sophia is overwhelmed with your kindness and help as she does her part to help in the fight against blood cancers.
The team It was wonderful to see many of you at the cookie and lemonade stand and we so appreciate all of you that donated online at Sophia’s web page: hope we’ll see you all next year.
Thank you
IreneAll Donations go the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help fight blood cancers.

Arnie and Lisa Levine picture

Arnie and Lisa Levine

Message from Lisa Levine of County Properties Cancer is no longer the disease that you whisper about and know someone that knows someone that has it. Cancer has affected most of our lives in a close proximity. Click to read my husbands cancer survivor story. Please share your experiences with the opportunityto help cure this disease.