by countyproperties | Apr 11, 2012 | Latest News, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Real Estate, San Diego Short Sales, Short Sales
Short Sell and Buy a Nicer Home, for Less Money, within1 month or Less! YES! This unique Short Sale and Buy Program allows southern California homeowners to Short Sale their over mortgaged upside down home, restore their credit rating that was compromised by the Short...
by countyproperties | Sep 17, 2011 | Latest News, loan modification, San Diego Real Estate, Short Sales
Financially distressed homeowners with Freddie Mac mortgages will have a new option for loan modifications beginning next month. The new option, called a Standard Modification, is designed for borrowers who are ineligible for a Home Affordable Modification Program...
by countyproperties | Jul 8, 2011 | Finance, Latest News, loan modification, Sellers, Short Sales
Under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, a federal court banned three men and their company from the mortgage modification business and ordered them to pay nearly $19 million for consumer refunds. The defendants allegedly deceived distressed homeowners...
by countyproperties | Jul 30, 2010 | Finance, Latest News, loan modification
Many homeowners seeking a loan modification to lower their monthly mortgage payments find the application process time consuming, frustrating and confusing. Thus giving up before the application is reviewed. Several documents must be collected and sent to your...
by countyproperties | Jul 2, 2010 | Finance, Latest News, Real Estate news
The mortgage giant plans to go to court against those who can afford to make their payments but decide it’s not worth it. It also will limit their access to future loans. Taking aim at homeowners who are able to pay their mortgage but decide it’s not worth...