You may ask yourself , do I need to clean my house every minute, move all my furniture out, live in a sleeping bag on the floor.
The answer is no, but you do need to remove the clutter. The reason is, when a buyer comes to view your home you don’t want them looking at your pictures and personal items instead of your home.
Things of clutter to remove are:
- Personal pictures
- Nick nacks
- Extra kitchen utensils and gadgets on the counter tops
- Papers laying around
- Pictures that have phrasing on them
- Remove any extra pieces or over sized furniture
- If your able , paint any bright colors to neutral colors
The object is you want your home to be open , clean, and easy for the buyer to visualize moving their stuff in. When the buyers are walking thru , you need their focus on what your home has to offer.
You can always hire a staging company if you wish. Ask your Realtor to provide some staging companies if you choose to go that route.
Happy Selling!
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