HUD to provide $60 million in housing counseling grants

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced this week it will issue $60 million in housing and counseling training grants to assist families in becoming first-time homeowners and remaining homeowners after their purchase.

Grant recipients will help home buyers and homeowners realistically evaluate their readiness for a home purchase, understand their financing and down payment options, and navigate the home-buying process.  Recipients also will offer foreclosure-prevention counseling to current homeowners.


Neighborhood House Association

San Diego, CA

The Neighborhood House Association has been a HUD-approved counseling agency since 1973 and has provided housing counseling services for over 36 years. NHA’s Housing Counseling program provides homebuyer education, and pre-purchase, delinquency/default, non delinquency post purchase, rental, and reverse mortgage (HECM) counseling. NHA has a primary focus on a variety of one-on-one counseling services. NHA’s staff is culturally diverse and has the capacity to serve both English and Spanish speaking clients. NHA concentrates services to minority and bilingual clients throughout San Diego County, including those that have been victimized in the current housing market. For additional information, the Neighborhood House Association’s website address is: http://www.neighborhoodhouse.org

Springboard Non Profit Consumer Credit Management Inc

Riverside, CA

Springboard was founded in 1974 with a mission to help strengthen communities and improve the lives of Americans by offering consumer credit counseling services that promote financial literacy, homeownership and a healthy economy. As a HUD approved Multi-State Organization, Springboard offers quality bilingual services at locations throughout Southern

California, the Central Valley, Arizona and Nevada. Springboard provides credit counseling, debt consolidation/bankruptcy counseling, homebuyer education, loan document review, reverse mortgage, and mortgage default/delinquency counseling. For additional information about Springboard and the services they offer, visit: www.credit.org

At County Properties 23 years of brokerage experience and trust! We offer free counseling in real estate re; home values and information on options of selling vs Foreclosure.  If you have equity in your home, we will sell your home and get top dollar in this challenging market. If you do not have enough equity, and you must sell your property as a short sale we have the expertise to do so also. Please feel free to contact me today for free counseling at our website, click.  County Properties San Diego or County Properties Riverside

By the way…if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and business number and I’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.