Using data from a variety of sources, Forbes has compiled a list of the nation’s “riskiest” real estate
markets – which includes San Diego and Sacramento. But, the magazine concludes, there are
signs that improvement may be on the horizon for these two major California markets.
Keep this in mind . . .
“¢ The riskiest markets are those with high foreclosure rates, slow or no job growth, and a glut of
homes on the market. Markets like Detroit, Cleveland, and Miami display all three characteristics.
“¢ By contrast, transactions are rising in San Diego, and that’s a good sign assuming the increase is
sustained. Rising transaction numbers may mean credit is becoming easier to come by and
buyers are looking somewhat more favorably on the market. In fact, Forbes suggests prices also
may begin to rise over the next six months. That’s because there usually is a lag between
increases in transaction numbers and price increases.
“¢ The Forbes report also projects better times ahead for San Diego and Sacramento thanks to a
125 percent increase in Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac conforming loan limits. In San Diego, the report
notes, 18 percent of the market will see improved lending conditions.