The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers an online guide to preventing foreclosure.  The guide provides consumers with information such as how to contact a housing counselor;  when and how to talk to their lender, how to find foreclosure resources, tips on avoiding foreclosure and foreclosure scams, as well as information for consumers who cannot keep their home.  The free online guide is for preventing foreclosure can be accessed by visiting

Homeowners, worried about foreclosure? As an alternative to foreclosure, we can discuss home loan restructuring or even a short sale, if necessary. Short Sales are perfect for seller's that owe more than the home is worth. There is always a solution to foreclosure and we can explain all of your options!

We will list your home for as a Short Sale which usually requires no money out of the homeowners pocket. 

Our team of friendly and experienced short sale professionals will price and market your home to sell quickly, in cooperation with your lender, on your terms in less than 30 days.  You'll never have to talk to your lender because we'll handle all negotiations. 

You can start fresh debt free, without bankruptcy, and avoid the embarrassment of a "Bank Owned"  foreclosure sale sign on your property in San Diego & Riverside Counties and surrounding areas.

You pay nothing!  All costs and fees related to the transaction are paid from the proceeds of the sale. You won't have to make any repairs, do any termite or pay closing costs.  Even our commission is paid out of the proceeds and approved by the lender.

We'll keep the conversation and your pending foreclosure in strict confidence. Please feel free to contact us today for a free consultation. * Subject to lender guidelines and changes. Request A Free Consultation Today!

County Properties 23 years of brokerage experience and trust! We offer free counseling in real estate re; home values and information on options of selling vs Foreclosure.  If you have equity in your home, we will sell your home and get top dollar in this challenging market. If you do not have enough equity, and you must sell your property as a short sale we have the expertise to do so also. Please feel free to contact me today for free counseling at our website, click.  County Properties San Diego or County Properties Riverside