Are any of these making you toss and turn at night, affecting your everyday life? We have a streamline, easy way to help you thru these troubling times.

  • Mortgage Payment Adjusting Up

Income Going Down

  • Home is worth less than your current mortgage
  • Trouble with Bills / Overwhelming Debt
  • Behind on Mortgage Payments
  • Concerned About Preserving Credit
  • County Properties, a full service Real Estate Company, has teamed up with a Real Estate Attorney Group who specializes in negotiating short sales and loan modifications with lenders.



    FREE Consultation with an Attorney and one of our Agents, at the end of the consult you will understand the likely hood of being able to do a Loan Modification and what your options are.

    Below are a few of the things the attorney can do for you, if you should have to do a short sale.

    ü A forensic loan document inspection designed to uncover RESPA, TILA and other violations.

    ü Substantially more leverage that comes from the threat or initiation of litigation .

    ü A detailed financial cost/benefit analysis that illustrates a short sale is a substantially  less 

    expensive alternative to the lender than foreclosure.

    ü High likelihood of negotiating reduction or elimination of the deficiency.

    ü A much faster response from the lender due to escalation resulting from legal representation.

    ü Identification of important or damaging legal issues at the earliest possible opportunity (deficiency judgments, tax implications, fraud, etc.)

    ü Minimized damage to credit and the ability to borrow in a fraction of the time vs. foreclosure

    ü Routinely close short sales in less than 60 days!


    Please give us a call TODAY for a free consultation, so we can begin to help you TOMORROW. Call us at: (619) 301-0200 we are easy to talk too. We’ll keep the conversation and your situation in our strict confidence. If you prefer, contact us by filling out the form stop foreclosure now.