
Did you know:

The tradition of New Year resolutions originated about 4,000 years ago when the ancient Babylonians used them as a way to begin the year with a clear conscience, usually by returning borrowed items.

The song “Auld Lang Syne” – meaning “old long ago” – is sung at the stroke of midnight to celebrate the start of the New Year in almost every English-speaking country in the world. The word “syne” is pronounced like the word “sign.” The song is an old Scottish folk lyric modernized by the poet Robert Burns in 1788.

The first ball drop in New York’s Time Square was in 1907. The ball was five foot wide and included 100 25-watt bulbs. The current New Year’s ball is a 12-foot-wide geodesic sphere encrusted with 32,256 super bright LEDs.

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At County Propertieswe wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!