It’s always wise to stay informed about the real estate market, especially when considering buying or selling a property. As of now, here are some potential highlights for the San Diego real estate market in 2024:

1. **Price Appreciation:** Experts are forecasting a 2.8% increase in home prices by the end of this year, with an additional 1.5% rise expected in 2024. This indicates a continued trend of price appreciation, making homeownership potentially a lucrative investment.

2. **Home Sales:** Projections indicate an increase in home sales for the year 2024. This uptick in activity can be seen as a positive sign for the market, suggesting a growing demand for real estate in the San Diego area.

3. **Market Activity:** The anticipation of increased activity suggests a dynamic market with more movement in terms of buying and selling. This could be influenced by various factors such as job opportunities, lifestyle changes, or other economic indicators.

4. **Local Real Estate Agent:** Engaging with a local real estate agent is emphasized as a valuable step. Local agents are often well-versed in the specific nuances of the San Diego market and can provide tailored advice based on the latest forecasts.

It’s important to note that real estate markets can be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, interest rates, and local demand. Keep in mind that these projections are based on expert opinions and forecasts, and actual market conditions may vary.

If you’re considering entering the real estate market, working with a knowledgeable real estate professional can provide you with valuable insights and guidance. They can help you navigate the market, understand current trends, and make informed decisions based on your specific goals and circumstances.