by countyproperties | Jul 17, 2009 | Finance, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Despite efforts by the federal government and banks to stop the home foreclosure disaster, frustrated borrowers are still battling red tape and delays in their attempts to negotiate lower payments, even as hundreds of thousands of them lose their homes every month....
by countyproperties | Jul 16, 2009 | Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Foreclosure scams Under Operation Loan Lies, 189 lawsuits, cease-and-desist orders and other legal actions have been filed in 20 states. In Southern California, prosecutors have moved against 14 firms and 21 people. By Nathan Olivarez-GilesJuly 16, 2009For Rene...
by countyproperties | Jul 16, 2009 | Current Affairs, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Lenders Urged to Move Quicker on Mortgage ModificationsThe Obama administration recently sent a letter to the chief executives of the 25 lenders who have signed up for the Making Home Affordable program, urging them to move quicker to help troubled homeowners. ...
by countyproperties | Jul 3, 2009 | Finance, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
From the Los Angeles Times Chapman University economists say recovery is imminent, but it will take until 2010 for the benefits to become evident to many because the state is in such deep trouble. By Alana Semuels An economic recovery will begin in the second half of...
by countyproperties | Jul 3, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
A surge in home sales that started in some of California’s more affordable inland areas has begun to spread to several more expensive coastal areas, another indicator that the state’s real estate market may be in recovery mode. “¢ Many...
by countyproperties | May 28, 2009 | Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Lenders, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, say they are making it easier for delinquent borrowers to avoid foreclosure by selling their homes for less than they owe on them. Their efforts dovetail with a strategy unveiled last week by the Obama administration...