by countyproperties | Aug 15, 2009 | Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
As part of an ongoing effort to expand relief to struggling homeowners, the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury has released the Supplemental Directive for its Home Price Decline Protection (HPDP) program, a component of the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)....
by countyproperties | Aug 15, 2009 | Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Dealing with loan servicers and current mortgage rates. Tips for borrowers dealing with loan servicersMany homeowners have experienced difficulties and frustration getting through to their loan servicer when trying to obtain a loan modification. To help...
by countyproperties | Aug 15, 2009 | Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
The Obama Administration recently released its first monthly Servicer Performance Report detailing the progress to date of the Making Home Affordable (MHA) loan modification program. The purpose of the report is to document the number of struggling homeowners...
by countyproperties | Jul 31, 2009 | Current Affairs, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
The California housing market showed more signs of emerging from the worst of the market downturn in June as the median price rose for the fourth straight month and sales registered significant year-to-year and year-to-date gains.At $274,740 in June, the median price...
by countyproperties | Jul 30, 2009 | Current Affairs, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Rate of home price declines improves for fourth consecutive monthAlthough still in negative territory, the annual rate of decline of the 10-City and 20-City Composites in the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices improved for the fourth consecutive month in 2009,...
by countyproperties | Jul 24, 2009 | Current Affairs, Finance, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
FREDDIE MAC YOUTUBETM VIDEO SHOWS DELINQUENT BORROWERS HOW TO MAKE MORE EFFECTIVE PHONE CALLS TO SERVICERS New Video Shows Which Documents Can Help Reduce Repeat Calls To Servicers McLean, VA – Freddie Mac today posted a new video on that shows...