by countyproperties | Jan 29, 2012 | Latest News, loan modification, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Short Sales, Short Sales
Treasury to pay investors triple for HAMP principal reductions The Treasury Department will triple payments to mortgage investors for reducing borrower principal through an expanded Home Affordable Modification Program announced Friday. Officials announced several...
by countyproperties | Jan 21, 2012 | Latest News, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Foreclosure starts across the West Coast plummeted in December as California, Nevada and Washington reported double-digit declines in new mortgages entering the process, according to ForeclosureRadar. California, in particular, saw foreclosure starts decline by 30.6%...
by countyproperties | Jan 21, 2012 | Latest News, loan modification, Real Estate news, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Short Sales
Fannie Mae will require mortgage servicers to install a new program providing forbearance relief to unemployed borrowers beginning March 1, according to guidance released Wednesday. Servicers will be able to provide up to six months of relief without getting approval...
by countyproperties | Jan 7, 2012 | Finance, Latest News, Real Estate news, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Investment Properties, San Diego Real Estate, San Diego Short Sales
Just as in 2011, in 2012 many will be trying to figure out where housing is headed. While the housing market didn’t worsen in 2011, it also didn’t stabilize either. This year, the story will be about local markets. While many housing markets rose and fell...
by countyproperties | Jan 7, 2012 | Latest News, loan modification, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Short Sales, Short Sales
Mortgage finance firm Freddie Mac will give unemployed borrowers a break on their mortgage for up to one year. “These expanded forbearance periods will provide families facing prolonged periods of unemployment with a greater measure of security by giving them...
by countyproperties | Dec 16, 2011 | Latest News, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
U.S. home values continued to fall in October, but at a rate that has stabilized as the market heads toward a bottom, according to a report from property valuation site Zillow. Nationally, home values dipped 0.3 percent in October from September, and declined 5.1...