We specialize in homeowners that need to stop foreclosure and they are having financial difficulties with their bank.
We offer free services to get you to keep your home or be able to sell without damaging your credit.
Click here to get started: stop-foreclosure-now
First option:
We offer free counseling with the loan modification so that your able to keep your home with affordable payments.
We do this in hopes that you would tell your friends and family and that that’s goodwill for our company.
When we’re in the process and we’re successful the loan modification with the bank, then It would be a rate in terms that would be acceptable to both you and your bank.
Second option:
Would be to refinance the house, with our preferred lender,on standby to help you do this and for you to look at your financial options.
Third option:
If that does not work out, we can then do the next best thing would be is to get the most money for the house.
Fourth option:
If you owe more than what the property is worth. in that case negotiate with the bank a short sale.
This means we get the bank to agree to lower the loan amount, so that we’re able to successfully close and pay for the closing costs.
What we’re able to do in that case is to help keep your credit in good standing.
Once you have a foreclosure on your record, it stays a lot longer, than if you were delinquent on your payments.
First important thing is to try to be able to have you keep your home and work out the loan modification.
Our options and plan:
Every month your delinquent the credit gets worse
- We’re offering free consultations for you to get a loan modification to prevent foreclosure.
- If that doesn’t work, we are already in process to working with the bank which is the next best thing, save your credit, if you don’t have equity in your property.
- If you do have equity we will sell at market price as fast as we can.
- If no equity we will work with the bank to sell and discount the loan, to help protect your credit.
- If auction is right around the corner, we have a specialized attorney with a free consultation to postpone the auction.
- (Certain conditions apply to each individual circumstance to be analyzed at that time and those option will be shared with you.)
If that’s something that you’d be interested in doing, we would be glad to set up free consult ASAP
Click here to get started: stop-foreclosure-now