I’m sharing with you words that were written by Charlie Chaplin almost a century ago this is unedited just the way he made it in the original movie. Play cc and read and listen.
Just this segment bringing light to the world now it’s time for you to carry the torch and pass it our Creator is with in all of us, one heart one Soul For All the truth will set us all free finally.
Are you ready for the new Bi-partisan the purple party of the United States, and world under the one true God our creator! Let’s make mom and dad proud we are all one soul.
Love eachother as we would love ourselves, Shema, shalom olam. Oneness in a peaceful world. That is the vacine you have been waiting for.
Are you ready for the new 2020 Bi-partisan the purple party of the United States?
Share this and we will start it here and now.
Thank you Arnie Levine the 1st representative of the Purple Party red and blue make purple Bi-partisan.