Get Pre approved with buyer preferred lender

OUR BUYER PREFFERED LENDER HAS NEW EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to a down-payment assistance program for our first-time home buyers that requires a ONE PERCENT DOWN-PAYMENT FOR OUR BUYERS!

Clients put down 1% and our partner lender will cover the other 2%.
Your clients get all the benefits of a 3% down-payment loan and can save big, while strengthening their eligibility since you don’t have to pay the mortgage insurance.

Owner -occupied, purchase transactions only
MAXIMUM loan amount is $350,000
Borrower down payment is just ONE percent and our lender offers a 2% grant!
There is no borrower-paid mortgage insurance!
Area income limits apply – if you have a property address in mind,
Our lender can check those limits for you!

A preapproval is a preliminary assessment by a lender that determines how much you can borrow for a mortgage.
So, if you’re thinking about buying a home in 2024, make sure your credit score is ready first.

Is Preapproval Necessary to Purchase a Home?

is no. However, getting preapproved has a number of benefits

The Benefits of Getting Preapproved

Get Pre approved with buyer preferred lender

The short answer is:

You’ll know your budget

You’ll have increased negotiation power

It’ll result in a faster closing process

You’ll have greater peace of mind

The Process of Getting Preapproved1. Gather Necessary Documents
o Proof of Income (pay stubs, W-2 forms, tax returns)
o Employment Verification
o Bank Statements
o Credit History
2. Submit Application
3. Credit Check
4. Receive Preapproval Letter

Reach out to get started on your preapproval today!

Lets get you a good loan