by countyproperties | Mar 2, 2012 | Current Affairs, Real Estate news, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Investment Properties, San Diego Real Estate, San Diego Short Sales
It seems like the San Diego real estate market has been a buyers’ market since the crash the end of 2007. With low interest rates, plenty of inventory, and low housing prices, buyers have been in control for quite some time because they’ve had their pick...
by countyproperties | Mar 2, 2012 | Latest News, Real Estate news, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Investment Properties
The year-end inventory of foreclosed homes at Fannie Mae fell for the first time since the housing downturn. In 2011, Fannie reduced its REO inventory 27% to roughly 118,500, according to its fourth quarter financial filing. Levels increased every year since 2007. For...
by countyproperties | Feb 17, 2012 | loan modification, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Real Estate
California’s housing market may get some much needed relief with last week’s announcement of the national mortgage settlement reached with the country’s five largest loan servicers. In the deal, 49 states, including California, agreed to a $25...
by countyproperties | Feb 12, 2012 | Latest News, loan modification, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Real Estate, San Diego Short Sales
In his State of the Union address, President Obama laid out a plan to help responsible borrowers and support a housing market recovery. Key aspects of the president’s plan include: Broad-based refinancing: The president’s plan will provide borrowers who...
by countyproperties | Feb 4, 2012 | Latest News, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, Riverside Real Estate, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Real Estate
San Diego inventories of properties dropped significantly. The previous average number of active homes in all of San Diego County real estate MLS (multiple listing service) was 11,000 to 12,000 since 2007. The current number of active homes in all of San Diego...
by countyproperties | Feb 4, 2012 | loan modification, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Short Sales
As the housing market continues to struggle for stabilization, many homeowners are turning to strategic default. Almost 11 million homes are now underwater, according to Corelogic. Around 3.5 million homeowners are behind in their payments and another 1.5 million...