by countyproperties | Apr 23, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
It may truly be the choosing of the lesser of two evils — short sale or foreclosure — but, if you have to get out of your home, finding a way to complete a successful short sale may provide the best outcome for a distressed homeowner. Short sales are...
by countyproperties | Apr 16, 2009 | Current Affairs, Finance, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Economists surveyed in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey expect the recession to end in September. However, the majority also believe that the economy will not begin to grow until the second half of 2010, which is when they expect the...
by countyproperties | Apr 10, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Record-low interest rates entice first-time buyers By Roger Showley (Contact) Union-Tribune Staff Writer, Lori Weisberg (Contact) Union-Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. April 1, 2009 Jeff Grad inspected work on the interior of a foreclosure home he bought in Oceanside....
by countyproperties | Apr 10, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Signs of life in California Real EstateDespite a large number of foreclosures, lower rates of new construction, and a 41 percent decline in the median price of single-family, existing homes, there are signs that California’s housing market may be coming back to...
by countyproperties | Apr 2, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
There are a total of 15,000 homes/condos on the market for sale in San Diego county. 6,400 are being sold as short sales, 2500 are bank owned, and 6,100 are regular listings where the seller has enough equity to sell as a normal sale. For Riverside county there...
by countyproperties | Apr 2, 2009 | Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
Sellers Selling your home is a very important decision, and should be given serious consideration. Here are Five Important Steps to Take before Selling Your Home. 1.) Motivation for Selling: There are many good reasons why a homeowner should sell their...