by countyproperties | Aug 27, 2011 | Latest News, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, Riverside Real Estate, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Real Estate
The Basic Steps of Foreclosure Fannie Mae has publicly assured homeowners going through foreclosure that they will be protected from losing their homes while applying for a federally funded loan modification. They can apply for a modification at any point before or...
by countyproperties | Aug 19, 2011 | Finance, Real Estate news, San Diego Foreclosure news
HomeSteps, the real estate sales unit of Freddie Mac, is offering “Condo Cash,” a special limited time offer that will provide eligible condominium buyers with up to $1,500 for standard condominium association dues. HomeSteps’ Condo Cash is limited...
by countyproperties | Jun 24, 2011 | Current Affairs, Finance, Latest News, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
From foreclosure frauds to subprime shenanigans, mortgage fraud is a growing crime threat that is hurting homeowners, businesses, and the national economy. The FBI has developed new ways to detect and combat mortgage fraud, including collecting and analyzing data to...
by countyproperties | Jun 24, 2011 | Current Affairs, Finance, Latest News, Real Estate news, Riverside foreclosure news, San Diego Foreclosure news
For lenders who can’t find a defaulting home owner, they may turn to Facebook or other social networking sites to track them down. That’s what a lender in Australia did. The lender used Facebook to track the defaulting couple down and send them a...
by countyproperties | Jun 17, 2011 | Current Affairs, Latest News, Riverside foreclosure news, Riverside Real Estate, Riverside Short Sales, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Investment Properties, San Diego Real Estate, San Diego Short Sales
Concerns have arisen in recent months about the possibility of a double-dip in home prices. At present, this appears to be less likely for the California median price than the US median price. Here’s why… California Market The CA median fell by nearly 60...
by countyproperties | Jun 17, 2011 | Latest News, Riverside Real Estate, San Diego Foreclosure news, San Diego Investment Properties, San Diego Real Estate
“For the first time in a long time, you can buy that home and can get a cash-on-cash return immediately,” said William King, director of valuation services for Veros Real Estate Solutions, a supplier of housing data to the country’s largest banks, as...