Short Sell your existing home,
and then Buy your next home concurrently!

 To Short Sell, the existing bank or lender agrees to discount the loan balance
because of an economic or financial hardship on the part of the owner

These extenuating homeowner circumstances are usually related to
the current real estate market and the borrower’s financial situation.
A Short Sell is typically negotiated and executed to
prevent a home foreclosure!

Now we can offer you the ability to Short Sell

& then Buy your next Home!


List your existing home for sale with a Realtor!

Your Realtor or a skilled negotiator works with your existing lender(s)
 (Loss Mitigation or Workout Department) via a Short Sell offer,
once you have located a buyer for your existing home.

 Your lender has pre-determined, yet constantly evolving
 criteria for which Short Sell offers are accepted or rejected.
The negotiations and factors are very personal, detailed, complex
 market-driven, time sensitive and handled case by case.

Certain lenders are more apt to consider short sales,
over other lenders who are more reluctant.
Contact your Realtor, or us for specific information.


The second step in this program,
 is to get you to pre-qualify with us to BUY your next home,
 after you have begun the Short Sell negotiation process
with your lender(s) through your Realtor or negotiator.

We have access to lenders who believe that
certain qualified “upside-down” homeowners
who Short Sell their home, are still worthy to lend to.


Retaining the dream of home ownership,
avoiding foreclosure,

not having to “rent” a place for a few years;

as well as maintaining the ability to take mortgage tax deductions

are admirable goals, when you are upside down in your mortgage.

Why should I work with County Properties?

 We are glad you are thinking about this question… The Association of Realtors recently conducted a statewide survey which reported that only 10% of all Short Sales actually closed escrow !!! That’s terrible.. the Great News is our Short Sale closing Rate is better then 90%. How you may ask ?…

Experience – Education – Tough Bank Negotiations – Dogged Persistence. Our team consists of Bank Negotiators, a Real Estate & Internet Marketing expert, Listing and Sales experts, and Transaction Coordinators. Our team experience goes back to the mid 1990’s when southern California experienced it’s last major real estate down turn.

Please give is a call TODAY, so we can begin to help you TOMORROW. Call us at: (619) 301-0200 we are easy to talk too.

We’ll keep the conversation and your situation in our strict confidence. If you prefer, please feel free to contact me by clicking here Short Sale and Buy Program

We’ll keep the conversation and you’re pending Foreclosure in strict confidence.